Viewpoint: Latest Developments in the Indonesian Crypto Market: Indonesian Crypto Ecosystem Comes Full Circle

Partners Zacky HuseinIqsan Sirie, and Associate Keith Wong from Assegaf Hamzah & Partners provide a comprehensive overview of recent developments in Indonesia’s crypto market. The establishment of key institutions, encompassing a crypto assets bourse, clearing house, custodian, and broker, marks a significant leap forward, bolstering transparency and safety for market participants. This Client Update further delves into essential aspects of the recent Bappebti Circular, spotlighting exclusive activities for crypto asset bourses, application timelines for crypto asset brokers, and the impending transition from Bappebti to OJK. As stakeholders navigate this evolving regulatory landscape, adherence to exclusive activities and application timelines becomes paramount.

Gain valuable insights into Indonesia’s ever-evolving crypto regulations and their implications by exploring the Client Update here.